Saving America from the sodomites and homosexuals is hard work, and that is why i've not had much time to keep my personal blog up to date. Sure I have people who work for me who could write this page, but that would defeat the authenticity of it all.
Sooner or later I will find time to blog the real ME, but until then I'm going to give you a few inspirational web-links.
When I get stuck for ideas about what to preach or which sin America needs God's help cleansing I simply switch on to my friend Billy Bob Neck's radio program. He writes for a blog called Shelley The Republican. You can hear his show on their podcast.
If you decide to subscribe please leave a comment or a prayer on Billy's blog. Tell him that Dobson sent you.
A blog dedicated to news, commentary and discussion about matters which affect your family, your church and the whole of America.
Aren't there more important things to save America from? Like terrorist activity and starvation and people living in the streets?
Why do you want to spend your time hating? Why would Jesus want you to hate men who love each other? Jesus was an advocate for love, for turning the other cheek, for not judging others, he was an enlightened and wonderful man who may even have been a god.
Please do not be so keen to smash others and make their lives miserable for feelings of love that they cannot help. Jesus helped prostitutes, homosexuals, tax-payers and many others who were not liked by society. Can't you find it in yourself to help them too, rather than hating?
I'm not sure this will get posted. I'm afraid it will get censored. But I do hope you will read it. :)
Keep posting! You are one of the few out there...
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